ProFundCom White Paper: Using Your Website To Generate Leads

ProFundCom White Paper: Using Your Website To Generate Leads

Your website is vital, as it’s where the majority of people will have their first meaningful interaction with your brand. It is effectively a digital shop window that people can look through to find out more about your company and your services.

And the vast majority of financial firms have websites that look smart and give the visitor an idea of what the company does and how it does it.

But all too often this is where it stops – the website works as an insight into a business, but it does nothing to actually turn readers from interested visitors into actual leads. And this is a mistake, as websites are still the primary way potential investors learn about brands.

Obviously nobody makes a major investment decision on the strength of a website, but for many people it is where the investment journey starts as it’s the first real contact they have with your brand and company.

Do a bad job, and they look – and possibly invest - elsewhere. But do a good job and your website may be the first step on the way to investing with you. So, what you say on your website – as well as how it looks and the experience people find there – is an absolutely crucial part of your lead generation process.

So, here’s how you can turn your website into a lead generation machine…